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Now offering lab equipment depot repair services - Click here for details

Premium Biotech Start-Up Lab Package

Cell Culture Basics

Starting at $112,850 - Save 65% of the price of purchasing new equipment!

The premium Biotech Start Up lab package from American Instrument includes a biosafety cabinet, two centrifuges, stacked CO2 incubators, an analytical balance, a refrigerator, freezer, an ultralow freezer, a water bath, an inverted microscope, a glass washer, and ten pipettors.

We can customize this package to fit your budget, brand preferences, and specific needs. However, please be aware that item availability may vary. If any equipment is out of stock, we will offer comparable alternatives. For more details, please feel free to call or email us with your questions.


Biosafety cabinet options include:

 CO2 Incubator options include:

Benchtop centrifuge options include:

Floor centrifuge options include:

Ultralow freezer options include:

Freezer options include:

Refrigerator options include:

Analytical balance options include:

Water bath options include:

Microscope options include:

Pipette options include:

Glassware washer options include:

    *Savings based on retail prices of new equipment.

        Contact us today for more information or pricing on the  Premium Biotech Start-Up Lab Package!

        American Instrument Exchange, Inc.
        1023 Western Avenue
        Haverhill, MA 01832

        Phone: 978-521-2221
        Fax: 978-521-8822
